Category University News – NJIT

Media contacts:

Brian Gallagher, CIM Marketing Committee Chair, 864-551-0362  or email

Amy Numbers, CIM PR Consultant, (248) 516.1103, or email


NJIT CIM Students Take Second Place In Student Design Competition

During the recent 2023 Precast Show held in Columbus, Ohio, four members of the NJIT CIM program competed in the NPCA annual student design competition. We are pleased to announce that, while competing against other teams across the country, our team of Maria Wagner-Gomez, Armin Saadegh-Vaziri, Sean Rancapan and Robert Mazzilli took second place. Congratulations

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NJIT CIM Student Receives 2015 NPCAF Scholarship

Each year, the NPCA Foundation awards scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in civil engineering, architectural and construction-related curricula. NJIT Concrete Industry Management student, Erica Johnson, was awarded one of the 2015 NPCAF Scholarships. In addition, another awardee was Alex Burkhart, student at CIM Texas State University. To read more, visit NJIT’s Facebook page

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NJIT Receives $20,000 grant for Ready Mix 90-Minute Rule Research

The NJ ACI-Student Chapter is proud to announce NJIT’s research proposal “Evaluation Of The 90-Minute Rule as an Acceptance Criteria Considering Current Concrete Mix Design Technology and Mix Constituents” was accepted by the New Jersey Chapter of the American Concrete Institute. The proposed research aims to gain a better understanding of how elapsed time affects

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