For Prospective Employers
The Concrete Industry Management (CIM) program produces broadly educated, articulate graduates, supplying the industry with future managers and leaders. Our business-intensive program provides students with solid management skills; the fundamentals of concrete, properties and testing; concrete construction; and the latest technology and techniques. Additionally, the program encourages hands-on work in the community to give students valuable real-world experience, as well as networking opportunities with representatives from the industry.
With our program based in these locations – Middle Tennessee State University, Texas State University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, California State University – Chico and our newest program beginning fall 2021 at South Dakota State University – our alumni use the knowledge and capabilities gained from CIM to excel at their jobs across the entire county.
Does your company need a full-time employee or intern with the skill set necessary to meet the growing demands of the progressively changing concrete industry of the 21st century? If so, please click here to send your job posting to representatives from each of the five program universities.