CIM Students Create Unique Product To Celebrate Earth Day
In honor of Earth Day this year, the Chico State CIM program partnered with the international recycling powerhouse PreZero to create something totally unique: an upcycled flower pot!
This project was a creative challenge and a huge win for recycling. Combining concrete and plastic, two of the most recyclable materials on the planet, we demonstrated the many opportunities our communities have to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Together, students created 25 flower pots by mixing concrete with recycled plastic pellets from PreZero. The mixture was then placed into a mold that was 3D printed using one of our campus printers. The finished flower pots were donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs of the North Valley for students to paint and take home. Flowers were also donated by our local Magnolia Nursery.
We love these opportunities to give back to the community and share about the impact that concrete can make—both locally and globally. Thank you to PreZero, Magnolia Nursery, and the Boys & Girls Clubs of the North Valley for working with us on this important initiative!