CIM Student Profile

Aubrey Miller

School: California Sate University, Chico

Class: Senior

Expected Date of Graduation: May 2022

“The wide variety of experience I have received through my summer internships has provided me with a well-rounded view of the concrete industry and has helped me develop what I want from my future career.”

How has the CIM program prepared you for the “real world”?
The combination of many technical classes our program provides paired with the opportunity for internships helps prepare us for life after college as we enter the concrete industry. Real-world skills we learn through our program include estimating and concrete testing in lab as well as learning about the chemistry of cement and everything that goes into concrete.

The CIM program works with businesses to provide summer internships. Have you been able to take advantage of that program or any other special programs to develop your industry knowledge?
Yes! So far, I have completed three internships, one for each summer that I’ve been in school. At the end of my freshman year, I worked for a ready-mix company that taught me how to test concrete which helped me receive my ACI Grade 1 Field Testing certification. My second summer was spent as an admixture systems intern with BASF in Seattle
and Portland, and my final summer was spent as an independent sales intern with MasterBuilders Solutions.

Have you been able to interact with the CIM Patrons at Chico State? If so, in what capacity?
I interact with many of the CIM Patrons in a variety of settings. I meet most Patrons in my classes where they are guest speakers. I also interact with them during our Patrons’ meetings held twice every school year. At these informational sessions, we learn more about their company and their industry, as well as find out what they look for in new hires.

What advice would you give to other current CIM students?
Be friendly and bond with your other classmates! They become your network in the future. Also, beginning your freshman year, do as many internships as you can. To get a complete view of the concrete industry, make sure to mix things up and do a variety of internships.