MTSU CIM Student Awarded Bob Weatherton Scholarship
The founder of the American Concrete Pumping Association, Bob Weatherton, was recognized in 2014 as one of the Most Influential People in the concrete industry. To honor Weatherton’s memory and contributions to the concrete industry, in Feb. 2015, World of Concrete (WOC) established the Bob Weatherton award, a scholarship for a Concrete Industry Management student. The award includes a $2,500 scholarship. Criteria for the selection of the award included practical application of the selected topics, including safety, productivity and industry improvement. The papers and presentations are judged by a panel of industry professionals who make the selections.
On Jan. 24, in conjunction with the CIM National Steering Committee Board meeting at WOC and following her presentation, Kellie Christian, a student at Middle Tennessee State University, was awarded the Weatherton scholarship. Congratulations Kellie!