Category University News – Middle Tennessee State

Media contacts:

Brian Gallagher, CIM Marketing Committee Chair, 864-551-0362  or email

Amy Numbers, CIM PR Consultant, (248) 516.1103, or email


MTSU hones plans to safely welcome students to campus this fall

As schools and universities across the country hone their plans to educate students this fall, the CIM program at MTSU is striving to maintain the personal connection with students, hands-on emphasis in the classroom, and industry connections that make the program and students so successful.  With Spring grads in great standing in the industry and

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CIM MBA student receives ACI scholarship

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation recently announced its 2020-2021 fellowship and scholarship recipients. We are pleased to note that Daniel Peabody, a student of the CIM Executive MBA program, was awarded the Schwing America Scholarship. All Scholarship recipients receive a $5,000 educational stipend. To view all the ACI Foundation Fellowship and Scholarship recipients, click

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CIM program at MTSU announces large company donation to building campaign

The Concrete Industry Management (CIM) program – a business intensive program that awards students with a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in Concrete Industry Management – is pleased to announce that the School of Concrete and Construction Management at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) has recently received the largest company donation to their Building Campaign

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MTSU concrete students speed-network their way to internships

To get a jump-start for summer employment, 25 MTSU Concrete Industry Management students utilized a speed-networking environment to catch recruiters’ attention. On Feb. 25, Nicole Green, the department’s marketing and recruiting coordinator, brought in 18 companies from the industry for the speed-networking event. Speed-networking and similar events help students meet face-to-face with potential full-time employers.

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Concrete Students Participate in Speed Interview Process

On Friday, March 21, 23 dressed-for-success MTSU Concrete Industry Management program students participated in a speed interview process in the James Union Building’s Tennessee Room. Over the course of two hours, candidates spoke with industry companies seeking summer internship professionals during two rounds lasting approximately eight minutes each. To read more about this opportunity, click

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Science Building takes center stage during MTSU Spring Preview Day

Rising on the south side of the MTSU campus, the next coming attraction — the 257,000-square-foot Science Building just off Alumni Drive — is being completed by construction crews for future science students. Some of the very next generation, prospective students who will enter this fall and would be in the class of 2018, viewed

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