CIM Executive MBA Update
The third cohort of the concrete industry management executive MBA degree program is in full swing and the current cohort is poised to graduate in March 2017. The feedback from the current students has been extremely positive.
This customized MBA is a rigorous, highly interactive degree program that thrives on diversity of cultures with mutual benefit to participants and sponsoring companies. Its major themes are globalization, leadership, strategy, and execution. The program takes participants beyond basics to a true understanding of forces that shape the concrete and construction industry. The current participants are able to immediately impact their businesses by implementing strategies and insights gained from the completed courses resulting in immediate ROI for the sponsoring companies. Throughout the program, the participants are taught the skills needed for leadership and team building and motivational skills to create synergy and energize their teams with the aim of achieving excellence throughout the organization. They are taught to look at their organizations from a holistic point of view and understand the cause and effect relationship between decisions. With the growing need for middle management talent in the industry as the economic recovery gets underway, the CIM Executive MBA program is well placed to continue to provide those highly qualified managers the industry will need.
The next cohort will start in January, 2017. The 15-month-long program is administered in 7-week blocks. The format includes distance learning, webinars and on-campus visits to MTSU or other designated industry events. This distinctive program is designed to develop long term relationships amongst participants, while fostering a collaborative learning environment and allowing national and international recruitment with limited campus visits that are intensive and focused.
Industry professionals participating in the CIM MBA program are required to have a minimum of three years of experience in the industry. GMAT or GRE is not required due to this experience requirement. Academically, all participants will have at least an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution of higher education. While participants must have at least a bachelor’s degree, that degree does not have to be in business.
The total cost of the CIM Executive MBA program is $39,000 per participant. If you are interested in learning more about the CIM MBA, please contact Ayaz Ahmed, Associate Professor and Director of the MBA program for the concrete industry at ayaz.ahmed@, (615) 898-5715 or (615) 767-4479 (cell) or Dr. Heather J. Brown at, (615) 904-8060. Application deadline is July 1, 2016. In order to be considered for the next cohort all application material must be turned in by the deadline. To apply, please visit